People + Commercial Firms

Tue. Oct. 22, 2024
This web page contains links to help individuals and commercial companies go directly to the areas of this web site most likely to be responsive to their needs.

This page offers links to areas of this web site intended specifically for visitors other than government agencies or social service/community development organizations. The "private sector" such as banks, property owners, vendors, prospective business partners, etc.

Current Cherokee Tenants. If you presently occupy a residential or commercial property owned by Cherokee, this web page offers links applicable to you.

Consumer Information Our goal is to help people and improve communities. We are pleased to offer information and Internet resources to families interested in preserving and improving their housing opportunities, and learning more about how the entire housing "eco-system" works. Please see the links on this page.

Are you associated with "bad" loans or "distressed" real estate? If you own or service non-performing assets, including mortgage loans, tax liens, or real estate, you'll find the information on this page helpful.

Did we ask to buy property from you? Did someone from Cherokee contact you about selling a property to us? We acquire dilapidated, abandoned properties, and rebuild them. We create affordable housing, achieve other community development objectives, using properties that had no value to others. For more information, please click here.

See our sign on a property? Did you see our sign on a property? Cherokee owns and operates residential and commercial investment properties. To see a list of properties that we currently offer for lease or sale, please click here

Want to Work with Us? Are you interested in working with Cherokee? We use attorneys, abstractors and title companies, specialty construction subcontractors, and other service providers. To learn more please click here. Cherokee Resolutions is available on a limited basis to serve as a subcontractor to larger firms conducting due diligence. To learn more about how we can add value to your efforts, and strengthen your bid, please click here.